Thursday, November 13, 2008


Welcome to the Illinois Education and Technology Conference 2008!

Integrating technology into your classroom can improve student engagement and involve parents from a distance. Come hear about successful assignments that encourage active learning. Discuss how to develop technology-enhanced assignments and why students like them. Become familiar with easy-to-use, FREE tools to implement these types of assignments in your classroom.

We're looking forward to sharing three major Web 2.0 technologies that you can integrate into your classroom -- no downloads, installations, or money required. Today we'll discuss exactly what these technologies are, share successful integrations from a middle school language arts classroom, and then demonstrate how to get started with each. Please note that all the post titles are clickable and take you to helpful websites relevant to the content.

Melanie Allen, Warrensburg-Latham Middle School
Emily Boles, University of Illinois at Springfield

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